Portsmouth – SQL Server User Group

I am delighted about the opportunity to present to the Seacoast SQL Server User Group on October 28, 2013. I have not been to New Hampshire since SQL Saturday #146. It will be great to see Mike/Jack again and chat with the user group next week. Topic: Effective Data Warehouse Storage Patterns Abstract: Many companies start off with a simple data mart for reporting. As the company grows, users become dependent on the data mart for monitoring and making decisions on Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Unexpected information growth in your…

Charlotte – Pass Summit 2013

I just returned to New England after 4 days in Charlotte at Pass Summit 2013. I analogize the conference to going out to eat every hour, some presentations I truly enjoyed; Others did not suit my pallet. Overall, I would rate the event as a total success. Here are some presentations I viewed in chronological order that were definite highlights during my trip.

  I do have a few grips about the event. Most can not be helped by the event organizers. First, the conference hotel rate was all…