Database Files & Objects – Part 2

Today, I will be continuing my talk on database files and database objects that can be viewed through the system catalog views or system stored procedures.

A Microsoft SQL Server database is composed of at least two operating system files: a primary data file and a transaction log file. A secondary data files can be used to implement table partitioning or storage of data on different disks by filegroup.

If we want to get a simple list of all the databases on the server, one can execute the sp_helpdb system stored procedure.

Detailed information can be obtained by calling the stored procedure with the database name that we are interested in.

If we want to get a simple list of all the files that make up a database, one can execute the sp_helpfile system stored procedure.

Detailed information can be obtained by calling the stored procedure with the file name that we are interested in.

There is an old cliche that states ‘There are many ways to skin a cat’. There are system catalog views in newer versions of SQL Server that supply the same or more information than the system stored procedures.

A query of the sys.databases catalog view will show all databases on the server. Please note that this view contains more information than the stored procedure. Information on database attributes can be used to determine what databases do not your standard operating procedures (SOP) for your company.

If you query the sys.database_files catalog view, you will see each file that makes up the database.

Every database has hidden tables used by service broker messaging, change data capture, file stream, table file, full text indexing, extended indexes, etc. Some of these tables appear when advance features are turned on. The sys.internal_tables catalog view lists these internal tables associated with the current database.

Last but not least, there are two catalog views that have detailed information on all files that are part of the SQL database server. The view sys.master_files contains all the visible system databases as well as the user databases. I filter this for the MATH and visible system databases.

The sys.sysaltfiles catalog view shows the hidden resource database. It appears as datbase id 32767 with no name.

To recap this discussion, system stored procedures can be used grab information about the logical databases and physical files. Use system catalog views instead to get detailed information on both. In the future, I am sure I will be writing TSQL scripts using these commands to do maintenance tasks where third party vendors come up short.

Next time, I will be talking about using system stored procedures and catalog views to look at the objects inside my user defined (sample) database named [MATH].

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