Operator Precedence

I am going to bring closure to my series of very short articles or tidbits on Transaction SQL Operators. An operator is a symbol specifying an action that is performed on one or more expressions.

I will exploring the operator precedence today. In mathematics and computer programming, the order of operations is a set of rules used to clarify which procedures should be performed first in a given mathematical expression.

I do not have enough time in this very short article to go over the eight levels that group and order expression evaluation. However, I want to go over one example in which parentheses can be used to change the order of evaluation.

The first expression evaluates multiplication first since it is considered a higher level than subtraction. The second example changes the order by using parentheses.

The example script below explores all three operators.

The output of the above TSQL statements is listed below.

If your Transaction SQL code is not evaluating the programming expression as you would like, consider using parentheses. Next time I will be talking about logic functions.

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