Database Files & Objects – Part 4

Today, I will be continuing my talk on database objects that can be viewed through the system catalog views or system stored procedures. A Microsoft SQL Server database is composed of many different objects. We will be investigating how to retrieve information on these objects in the [MATH] sample database. Please see my first article that creates this database. I will be focusing on functions, stored procedures, triggers and views in this article. Let’s use the USE statement to select the sample database.


Database Files & Objects – Part 3

Today, I will be continuing my talk on database objects that can be viewed through the system catalog views or system stored procedures. A Microsoft SQL Server database is composed of many different objects. We will be reviewing how to retrieve information on these objects in the [MATH] sample database. Please see my first article that creates this database. I will be focusing on tables, columns, indexes, and constraints in this article. Let’s use the USE statement to select the sample database.

The most basic component of a database…

Database Files & Objects – Part 2

Today, I will be continuing my talk on database files and database objects that can be viewed through the system catalog views or system stored procedures. A Microsoft SQL Server database is composed of at least two operating system files: a primary data file and a transaction log file. A secondary data files can be used to implement table partitioning or storage of data on different disks by filegroup. If we want to get a simple list of all the databases on the server, one can execute the sp_helpdb system…