Is my string a number?

I have been recently devoting a-lot of time answering questions on STACKOVERFLOW. Many times, you are just helping and/or teaching younger SQL Server developers and/or administrators the tricks of the trade. Sometimes you come across a GEM, a question that you can blog about so that when they are asked again, you have a well constructed answer. One classic questions asked by new database developers is whether or not the user input is a number? I thought it was an excellent opportunity to review what tools are available given a…

Date/Time Functions – SWITCHOFFSET()

This is the last short articles or tidbits on Transaction SQL date/time functions. It has surely been a-lot of work to write 41 articles on every way to slice and dice dates, times and offsets. Today, I am going to talk about the SWTICHOFFSET() function. This function is useful when you want to convert time from one zone to another. The function takes a date/time offset variable as input as well as the new offset value. It returns a date/time offset variable in the new zone. The examples below convert…