I am enthusiastic about presenting to the Providence SQL Server User Group on April 18, 2018.

Of course, I am looking forward to talking to my friends Matt Batalon and Gregory Celentano. If you have not figured it out yet, I love to chat to local user groups about any SQL server topic that I am passionate about.

The meeting venue is at the following address.

New England Institute of Technology
1408 Division Rd
East Greenwich, RI

Details about the presentation are below.


Introduction to Azure Table Storage


Azure Table Storage is Microsoft’s first attempt at a NoSQL database that uses a key value data store. During this one hour session, you will learn how to use Power Shell to manage table storage objects.

There are a bunch of cmdlets in the Power Shell gallery that can be used to insert, update, delete and select row data from the key value store. A real life example using historical S&P 500 stock data will explained and tuned for performance.

Presentation Bundle

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