If you are a production Database Administrator (DBA), you might be lucky and have all your servers on the same revision of SQL Server. This is a very uncommon situation since many third party vendors do not keep up with Microsoft releases or your company might not find the return on investment (ROI) for having the lastest software. My company falls into the later category. We have some business applications that are bound to SQL Server 2000. Since it is not broken, the company is not willing to fix it.…
Tag: sysdatabases
Moving System DB’s – Part 2
I was recently approached by my manager to free up a Direct Attached Storage (DAS) device from a test server so that it could be leveraged in a higher environment. To my amazement, both the system databases and binary executables were installed on the drive I needed to move. Today, we are going to concentrate on moving master and resource system databases. Here is a article from MSDN to use as reference. Moving the master database 1 – Open the SQL Server configuration manager. 2 – Select the SQL Server…