I knew Windows Azure SQL Databases have been around for a couple of years but never had the time or need to research them. With a possible data center consolidation in the future, I was wondering if my company could leverage a Windows Azure SQL Databases to reduce the total cost of ownership for certain applications? Today, I will be working with the sample [AUTOS] cloud database that I created in a previous blog. I want to test connectivity to this cloud database using common programs and tools that my…
Access Linked Tables
Today, I am going to build upon the prior ODBC Connection article by showing you how to create a LINKED TABLE in MS ACCESS. I am assuming that you have created a blank MS ACCESS 2007 database named [WILDLIFE.accdb]. I will be using the [WILD LIFE] SQL Server database that was created in a earlier article as the source of our information. First step is to select the external data, more, ODBC database option from the menu. This launches the wizard which walks you thru creating a LINKED TABLE. Second…
ODBC Connection
The ODBC standard was developed in the early 1990’s to allow a software developer to use a single interface to access mutltiple data sources. Microsoft Access is a very versatile application since it can import or link to a variety of ODBC data sources. Today’s article will cover how to define a new ODBC connection. I will be using the [WILD LIFE] database that was created in a earlier article. First step is to open to the administrator tools on the windows operating system. You can find this group under…